Back at it again

Hi everyone,

It’s been a long time.

I originally thought I would just let this blog go – I did actually write (albeit rarely) about everything I set out to. In my blog description I wrote “I muddle through moving away from home, exploring a new city, and starting my first year of grad school”. I wrote not only through starting my first year of grad school but to finishing my first year!

Okay, I know I’m stretching there, but I’ll tell you what.  I did something this afternoon that I normally wouldn’t – I scrolled through my Facebook page. I’m real bad about social media, as you may have noticed. For instance, the other day Nick told me that it’s weird that I don’t respond to comments on things. [Yes, someone had to tell me that. So apologies if I’ve ever ignored you. I do read and appreciate your comments, and I’m working on getting better about actually, you know, showing that.] But as I scrolled through, I saw all of the wonderful things that the more wonderful people in my life have put up there and encouraged me through. I also saw old blog posts and was reminded how nice it was to have this connection with people I don’t reach out to enough on my own.

My life recently has been mostly adjusting to my first full-time job and trying to actually eat quality food once in a while. I’m finding it a lot harder than it should be and basically all of my time has been absorbed through that. I’ve had it drilled into my head over the last few weeks that I need to take care of myself though, and a large part of that is not allowing myself to become isolated; SO all that to say, I’m going to be writing here a bit more! I’ll start out with a quick catch-up on the last 2 years (wow it’s been a long time), but if there’s anything in particular I should write about, please let me know! I always love hearing from you, even though I’m terrible at showing it.

As a token of my affection, here is an otter that also happens to be a reflection of how I’ve been eating these days.

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Be back soon!

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