Settling In

So with the help of my wonderful parents, I got all moved into my new apartment! We spent a few days arranging the furniture and stocking up food and stuff, then we went to the Humane Society here, which is super duper nice. It was a little bit overwhelming.  They had a huge number of animals. We spent about two hours there just trying to meet cats that might get along with me. Eventually we got it narrowed down though! Soo (drumroll please)

meet Munchkin!


She’s pretty cute.

She’s very much a typical cat. She loves laps, toys, and sitting in the places that are as in the way as they can possibly be. Places like, you know, my pillow, my computer, my NECK. 




But I think it’s a sign that she’s comfortable with me, which makes me happy! She’s been acclimating really well, except for an unfortunate incident with a jerk raccoon. The little vermin pounced at her while she was just sitting in the window. Not only did the raccoon claw up my screen, but the poor cat was so freaked out that she basically fell out of the window sill and was growling the whole rest of the night. I’m trying not to harbor resentment against raccoons, but I’m not succeeding particularly well. But the overly-aggressive little furball was just a blip in my week that was otherwise filled with orientation activities.

Orientations have never been my favorite thing. This one was about the same as any other; it was filled with a bunch of sessions about how we need to take advantage of opportunities and all of that information, then we learned how to be ‘cultural beings.’ Still not my favorite thing.  

We did spend a day volunteering at a local health department and gleaners farm, though, and that was pretty cool! I rounded off the week by taking an algebra test and playing some kickball with my fellow future epidemiologists (we are all skilled athletes, let me tell you). All in all, it was about as orientating as any other orientation, and I am very happy to be done. 

All of my orientation knowledge will be tested on Tuesday when my classes start! I’m taking some things that I’m really pumped about: Biologic Basis of Disease, Infectious Disease Epidemiology, and Intro to Epidemiology! It’s going to be cool. 

So I’ll write more after my classes get going to keep you guys updated! Wish me luck! 🙂 


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