Moving Day #3: The Trip to Ikea

So I apologize for the delay on this one! I forgot I wouldn’t have internet in my apartment for a while. But here we go!


We woke up early to get moving and arrived at my apartment bright and early. I signed a whole bunch of paperwork and learned all of the property rules and whatnot, then I went to see my apartment! It is delightful. The oven is hilariously tiny, but other than that it is surprisingly roomy for a 400 square foot studio. It was also extremely clean, which made my little perfectionist heart very happy. I’ll upload pictures as soon as it’s in any state of order again! 

It’s in chaos right now because of that wonderful, confusing place: Ikea. We drove up to Ikea almost as soon as we arrived in Ann Arbor. My parents held up like champs as I wandered around the showrooms picking out a bed and shelves and a table and chairs and stools and lamps and everything else under the sun and piled it all on them. We made it to the checkout after about 3 hours, totally exhausted, and then faced the daunting task of trying to fit all of the boxes in the car. There were a lot. My dad, though, is a packing master and squeezed about 100 cubic feet of boxes into 50 feet of space.



I wish I had taken a picture because it was seriously insane. Mom and I had to both squeeze in the passenger seat on the way back, but we only needed one trip, which is a miracle. 

After we hauled it all back into the apartment, we spent the next eight hours putting all of the furniture together. If you’re ever feeling like a fun character-building experience, assemble some furniture. You haven’t lived until you’ve yelled at a piece of wood. 

Despite the huge projects, though, all of my furniture came together very nicely! (Pictures to come) It fits in my apartment and will be lovely to use.  

We also braved a trip to Meijer (Walmart equivalent) to pick up some food, because we thought, “hey, that stuff is pretty good. We earned some sustenance.” But the traffic on the way there was horrific. I think it took 45 minutes to travel 4 miles.


Once we got there it was just fine, though. Everything we needed was easily found and there was a very nice man working who saw me wandering around and helped me find all the deals. We made it back (less traffic this time) and ate our delicious reward on my newly assembled table, which held up beautifully.



But that was it for the day! We couldn’t have handled much more if we wanted to. The next few days will be quiet, but I’ll hopefully be getting a cat, so I’ll write an update then! 

One thought on “Moving Day #3: The Trip to Ikea

  1. Emily Parrott says:

    Oh wow, that all sounds exhausting! Well done on getting all of that accomplished in a day. I can’t wait to see pictures! Also, I love Meijer! I hope you grow to love it too. One of the stores I miss having out here.

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