Well, here we go!

Hello, everyone! Thank you for coming to read this blog! I figured I would start out now (while the title is untrue) so you can get a feeling for my writing style (run-ons and poor word order) and I can try to figure out how all of this works. Fair warning though: these posts are going to contain a lot of anxiety. It’s not that I’m not very excited to start out at an excellent school in a city that most people say is just the coolest. I am pumped to get an apartment, a cat, and explore a new city that I’m sure I’ll love. But all of those things are inherently tied with endings – leaving the apartment and city that I love now and leaving the wonderful friends I’ve made here.

The kick-off of those endings was graduation 3 weeks ago. Endings aren’t all bad, of course, because since then, I have gotten to visit my family, read books FOR FUN, and I’m pretty sure I’ve slept more since then than in the last four years combined. I’ve gotten to watch goofy TV shows and play board games and talk with people without part of my mind constantly stressing about whatever project I was currently overwhelmed with. It has been delightful.

Unfortunately, that part of my mind that was usually wrapped up with school stress has now been constantly reminding me that lots of opportunities like those will be over soon. I’ll be further away from most of my family than ever before, back to constant studying, and having to start all over making friends using my dubious socialization skills. I’m sure I’ll be able to find good people that will put up with my awkwardness, I’m just going to miss the amazing people that already do. My friends were the biggest factor in me not wanting to leave.

I stalled and stalled accepting my admission to the program I only dreamed I would be accepted to, because if I stayed in Iowa, I was going to get an apartment with two of my favorite people in the world. It was going to be nerdy, full of love, and stupendous. I was really excited. But Iowa just would NOT accept me. I waited, badgered the admissions people, and waited some more, but they would not answer me. So when I realized that I could not wait any longer, I responded to Michigan. 15 minutes later, Iowa sent me an admission email. Naturally.

I’m taking that as strong affirmation that Ann Arbor is the right place for me to be. It just doesn’t make leaving that much easier. The lovely family and friends that I’ve already written a bit too much about have been the best about it, though. My big brother gave me comforting advice and reminded me that I’ll get to be within visiting distance of him (for once), and my friends have assured me that they will still find a place to live, that we’ll still be friends (with more internet), and that my presence will raise the awesomeness level of Ann Arbor :). I’m very thankful to have people in my life that are so hard to leave, but so supportive when I do.

So, right now, I’m enjoying non-internet friendship along with wonderful relaxation and lots of nerdy movies. I think it will still be a summer of anxieties, but I think I have all the help I could ever ask for.


I’ll keep writing as moving day comes closer, but until then, enjoy your week!